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I'm the one who's going to brainwash you!

  • ''...vodim ovce na pašuuu...''...Moje?Tvoje?Nije bitno...Samo daj!

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    Šta vas puno bilo ođe! ;) Otkada?Neznam,stvarno!


    Ne vjeruj,svi lažu...Ne bacaj se u ljubav jer ćeš se kajati!Živi brzo,umri mlad,boli te kurac gdje i kad!Puši travu,utapaj se u pivi,zapamti...SAMO JEDNOM SE ŽIVI!

    Što mi u zadnje vrijeme vrlo često svira?

    1.Anti-flag-->>Die for the government
    3.Ska-P-->>Planeta Eskoria
    4.Los Fastidios-->>Guardo avanti
    5.Aggressive Snail Attack-->>Eating pussy buritto killers
    6.ABN-->>Tražeći bolje vrijeme
    7.Green day-->>Dookie
    8.NOFX-->>Punk in drublic
    9.Bob Marley and the Wailers

    Zašto RaMoNa?-->>Volim Ramonese...
    -->>Oduvijek se zapravo želim tako zvati
    -->>Najljepše ime na svijetu
    -->>Jer za mene ima neku posebnu značajku
    -->>Jer sam slatka,slatka... ;)) Wuaha!

    A zašto metal?-->>To me ne pitaj...
    -->>Zaboravila sam!
    -->>Možda jer sam nekoć bila opsjednuta metal muzikom?

    >>>Što volim?<<<

    -raditi ono što ja želim
    -razgovarati s njime i još dosta stvari vezano uz njega ;)
    -zanimljive i zabavne ljude
    -pazinske punkere
    -Peroševe uzrečice i pametne spike! ;)
    -puno pričat i bauljat gluposti(vidjet ćete na blogu)
    -zajebavat frendove i ljude koje ne poznajem
    -PUNK!PuNk i samo punk!Više od ičeg!
    -svoj lančić na pentagram
    -palestinku koju sam dobila od Robija
    -Konjkuuu! ;))
    -Ivana i Eminu ;))
    -Moju jedinu Mouuu! ;))
    -mlađeg Babeta
    -alkohol ;)
    -Meri Đejn ;)
    -CRNU boju
    -pisati pjesme
    -svoj krevetić
    -Hajduk i Torcidu! ;)
    -riječ bamboocha
    -marte i starke
    -pjevati samo za sebe
    -ljude koji ne shvaćaju ama BAŠ SVE zaozbiljno
    -ljude koji me znaju oraspoložit
    -ić s vremena na vrijeme na kavicu s frendicama i raspričati se
    -engleski,njemački i španjolski
    -osobe koje imaju razumijevanja
    -ponekad biti sama
    -šarati po školskim knjigama
    -svoj mobitel
    -svoje CDe
    -vrištati kad sam ljuta(da ispušem bijes iz sebe)

    >>>Što ne volim?<<<

    -ljude koji su sposobni povrijediti
    -biti povrijeđena
    -biti ignorirana
    -umišljene ljude
    -depiliranje i čupanje obrva,bljak!
    -ljude koji izigravaju nešto što nisu
    -profesore,školu i gradivo,neopravdane satove,svoju razrednicu i profu iz kemije
    -likovnu umjetnost
    -narodnjake,techno,rave ili bilo kakvu vrstu elektronske glazbe
    -šminkere i šminkerice(ali one koji to zaista jesu!)
    -dvolične ljude
    -one dane u mjesecu(i sve što dolazi uz to)
    -matematiku,fiziku i kemiju!!!!
    -kazne(u bilo kakvom obliku)

    [I]>>>Što volim poslušati(onako,za bzvz i za ozbač)?<<<
    ....Sidu,Pase,DP,Ska-P,Pillow Pack,Pasmaters,Loš primjer,Casualties,
    Bez Panike,FNC Diverzant,
    Tito's Bojs,Nightwish,Ramones,Six Pack,Apocalyptica,
    Heloween,Anthrax,Nailed,Antiflag,KUD Idijoti,Enpe,Školjke,Bob Marley,Propaghandi,Analena,
    Green Day,Antitodor,Aktivna propaganda,Sham 69,Atheist rap,
    Aggressive Snail Attack,
    Dolibasija,Propala egzistencija,
    Gužva u 16ercu,Gentleman,
    Iron Maiden,NOFX,
    Dimmu Borgir,SOAD,Sepulturu,Soulfly,Rammstein,
    Children of Bodom,
    Therion,Kovenant,Old Mans Child,Dio,Thin Lizzy,
    Cradle of Filth,RATM,
    Judas Priest,WASP,Black Sabbath....I još puno toga!

    I moji nadimci?
    kaja stripy kuja,katrin,rinka,
    curica,štriga... :))
    Jučer dobila nadimak Slana Krofna!

    >>>Moja fensi abeceda...<<< ;))

    A>all stars...najjače patike!anarhija...kao pokret jako zanimljiva,ali čak mislim i neostvariva
    B>blood,sex and booze!prejaka pjesma...bananko,moja fav čokoladica! ;) bauljanje...buljenje u prazno!bijeg....bob marley,legenda nad legendama!bambus volim...
    C>crna boja...nevjerojatno ju obožavam!crna olovka za oči...bez nje ne mogu izaći van...cuga!cigarete...a bokte!one su moja ovisnost!
    Č>čokolada...mmmmljac!najbolji slatkiš...dobro dođe u onim danima...ili kad imaš PMS!
    Ć>kao ćuk...luda ptica!
    D>dreadlocksi...jako lijepo za vidjet,ali neznam baš dal bi ih napravila...depresija,nešto što me često hvata!
    E>extremni sportovi...poput paraglidinga,bungee jumpinga,moto GPa,skejtanja,bordanja,surfanja,raftinga...
    F>frendovi i frendice...kojih imam malo,ali ih cijenim i volim!Formula1...guštiram kad ju gledam dok sam sama doma,s cigaretom u jednoj i pivom ili kavom u drugoj ruci... ;) riječ fensi...ovisna sam o njoj!
    G>gitara...instrument koji želim imati i nabavit ću ga...kad-tad!bilo to sutra ili za par godina...glazba,stvar bez koje ne mogu!Green day...kao bend i kao dan pljuganja... ;) golotinja...joj,joj! ;) gemišt volim...
    H>hajduk,najbolji nogometni klub!hipohondrija...kojoj sam ponekad sklona!kao i histeriji...
    I>izlasci...nešto što mi je prijeko potrebno...
    J>jezici...španjolski,njemački,engleski...prvog želim naučiti,a ostala dva znam!jagode...mljac su sa šlagom!jamaica...Ya man!fensi...
    K>kava...obožavam ju!ali bi mogla polako na odvikavanje! ;) k kao karin,kaja... ;) nečije prezime...kondomi! ;) k kao najljepše slovo na svijetu općenito!
    LJ>ljubav...prema bilo čemu!
    M>mama...najbolja osoba u mome životu!marte,najbolje cipele na svijetu!heh...i meri đejn...yeeeea!metal,glazba koju sam nekoć obožavala(odrasla sam na njoj jer imam starce metalce...;)),a i sad ju volim!
    N>noć...noćna ptica...obožavam noć!
    NJ>kao njoko...fensi riječ za tepanje!
    O>osmijeh....lijepo ga je pokloniti,ali i primiti!on...moja najdraža misao!
    P>povjerenje...pivo....zar je potrebno objašnjavat?palestinka...bez koje ne mogu...pisanje pjesama,hobi koji me ispunjuje!poljubac...mmmm!punk...najbolja vrsta glazbe,način života...pijanke!
    R>ramonesi!prejak bend...rastafarijanci kao zanimljivi ljudi....religija koja je za mene ne!veliko NE!reagge...uff,volim se opuštati uz tu glazbu!ramona...kao najljepše ime na svijetu!razumijevanje...
    S>sex...he,he!a pa nisam sexualno ugrožena!ili jesam?riječ sexy...sloboda!koju nemam u potpunosti,a ponekad je niti ne želim imati....spavanje....najbolji sport!Sax,kafić u pazinu...samoća,moja naj frendica ponekad...saslušati,vrlo važna sposobnost!
    Š>šutnja...ponekad zna biti zlato!šlatanje... ;)
    T>tetovaže...predivno!mislim sa 18god napravit jednu...i oću!torcida...najjača ekipa!
    U>uruuugu! ;)
    V>vrištanje...kad sam bijesna ko konj!riječ volim...koju je teško izreći...vrckavost!jer takva jesam...
    Z>zijevanje...zajebancija...zanimanje za nešto!zid...dobar je kad udaraš glavom u njega! ;)
    Ž>žaljenje....život koji živim punom parom! ;)

...::jedan vic i par pjesmi::...

  • Ulazi čovjek u trgovinu i unutra situacija:prodavačica plače,ispricava se svim silama,a čovjek stoji pored pulta i viče:
    - "Pizda ti materina,u životu neću kročiti ovamo.Ima da se žalim gazdi i ima da letiš sa posla jesi li me čula...",i izleti van.
    Ovaj koji je upravo ušao priđe djevojci,a ova
    cčm ga primjeti počne brisati suze i uz usiljen osmijeh kaže:
    - "Izvolite..."
    Čovjek je pita jel treba pomoć ili šta,a ona sa osmjehom odgovara:
    - "Neka hvala sve je u redu izvolite..."
    - "Mogu li dobiti jednu kovertu?"
    - "Svakako koja veličina imamo standardne,veće,manje..."
    - "Običnu molim vas."
    - "A koju boju imamo plave,žute,crvene,bijele,
    - "Molim vas dajte plavu ali brže pošto autobus samo što nije krenuo,zakasnit ću..."
    - "A koju plavu,imamo pariško plave,blijedo,tamno,morsko plavu..."
    - "Molim te običnu plavu ali brže..."
    - "A koji oblik, mamo u obliku srca,trokuta,kruga..."
    - "Molim vas običnu četverokutnui kovertu ali brže autobus već kreće..."
    Donese plavu kovertu i kaže:
    - "A da vam ne treba možda markica?"
    - "Treba,daj jednu" i gleda autobus kako odlazi...
    - "A za unutarnji ili vanjski promet?"
    - "Unutarnji molim vas."
    - "A koju ćete:imamo sa likom ljudi,životinje,razne prirodne ljepote,znakove..."
    - "Molim vas - brže - dajte životinju."
    - "A koju ćete,imamo: sisare,ptice,gmizavce..."
    - "Molim vas ptice..."
    - "Imamo grabljivice,selice,letaće..."
    - "Molim vas - grabljivicu - ali brzo!!!"
    - "A imamo orla,sokola,lešinara, ..."
    - "Molim vas orla..."
    - "A imamo surog,američkog..."
    - "Molim vas surog orla..."
    - "A imamo ga kako hrani mlade,kako leti,kako sjedi u gnijezdu..."
    - "Dajte kako leti molim vas...."
    - "A imam kako leti iznad kanjona, znad mora, ..."
    - "Dajte bilo koji što prije..."
    U tome trenutku ulazi unutra čovjek sa početka ovog vica i nosi - govno u ruci!Prilazi pultu,pogleda prodavačicu,baci govno na pult i kaže:


    I nije me briga više za tebe,
    za nju, za njega, niti za sebe,
    i nije me briga više za one
    što stomaka punih dolare broje,
    za one što plaču, za one što mole,
    i vjeruju jednom bit će nam bolje,
    zato okrećem glavu i sklapam oči
    jer ja sam onaj koji gubi
    jer ja sam od onih koji gube...

    Ja sam čovjek koji nema nikog osim sebe,
    ja sam onaj koji ne zna kojim putem poći
    zato makni se od mene, pobjegni što dalje
    jer ja sam onaj koji gubi
    jer ja sam od onih koji gube.

    I nije me briga što u 4. reichu mladi nacisti podižu ruke,
    što nedužna djeca umiru od gladi,
    što mlada se kurva svima sad gadi,
    što tvoja sestra umire od droge,
    što se side se strašne pederi boje,
    zato okrećem glavu i sklapam oči,
    jer ja sam onaj koji gubi
    jer ja sam od onih koji gube...

    Ja sam čovjek koji nema...


    Tito's Bojs:Bez komentara

    Zašto sada uopće pjevam
    kad moja riječ ionako ne vrijedi,
    a bolje da pjevam nego da zijevam
    dok sijećanje na bolje skroz
    ne izblijedi ionako živim u šugi
    i bijedi
    bez komentara!!!

    Došli su od niotkud
    sjebali su naš unutrašnji mir
    ja u šoku,zbunjen i totalno lud
    ispadam lutak i prolazni hir
    nisam njihov, uopće nisam đir
    bez komentara!!!

    U zadnje vrijeme situacija teška
    često sam kriv i često sam greška
    a kad skupim hrabrost za osvetu
    malu,ja sam u krivu oni u pravu

    Ispadam šupak i ovaj dan
    iako nevin ispadam kriv
    i sve mi se čini kao san
    da li sam sjena ili sam živ?

    Ska-P:"A La Mierda"

    Orgullo nacional, patriota virtual
    Héroe militar, xenofobia
    Muńeco demencial, parálisis mental
    Eskoria cerebral

    A la mierda , reaccionarios
    Me la suda todo lo que puedas ladrar
    Siempre amé la libertad...

    Qué difícil es hablar con la pared
    Menguar tu estupidez, tu xenofobia
    Hacerte comprender que tu agresividad
    Se puede responder con mala hostia

    A la mierda , reaccionarios
    Me la suda todo lo que puedas ladrar
    Siempre amé la libertad...

    Huir de la razón, perder la dignidad
    Tu forma de pensar
    Te quiero recordar que somos muchos más
    Y vamos a combatir tu xenofobia

    A la mierda , reaccionarios
    Me la suda todo lo que puedas ladrar
    Siempre amé la libertad...

    Oh !, seguiré en mi condición de radical
    Gritaré, ˇˇnazis, nunca más!!

    Oh !, seguiré en mi condición de radical
    Gritaré, ˇˇnazis, nunca más!!

    A la mierda , reaccionarios
    Me la suda todo lo que puedas ladrar
    Siempre amé la libertad...


    Y saco un papelillo, me preparo un cigarrillo
    Y una china pal canuto de hachis hachis!
    Saca ya la china, "tron", venga ya esa china "tron"
    Quemame la china "tron", no hay chinas!

    Saco un papelillo...
    No hay chinas, no hay chinas hoy
    No hay chinas, no hay chinas hoy

    Legalegalizacion cannabis!
    De calidad y barato
    Legalegalizacion cannabis!
    Basta de prohibicion

    Ni en chueca, en la latina, no hay en tirso de molina
    Ni en vallekas ni siquiera en chamberi hachis!
    Yo quiero una china "tron", dame ya esa china "tron"
    Saca ya la china "tron" no hay china!

    Sin cortarme un pelo, yo quiero mi caramelo
    Voy corriendo buscando a mi amigo ali ali!
    Pasame una china "tron", yo quiro una china "tron"
    Una posturita "tron"
    "no chinas, no chinas hoy"
    No chinas, no chinas hoy!


    Cannabis, cannabis, cannabis!
    Yo te quiero marihuana...

    Legaliza, legaliza!
    Basta ya de hipocresia !

    Children Of Bodom:Touch Like Angel Of Death

    a glance to my eyes, deep within reveals
    this worn-out warrior's mind
    i'm killing you by suffering
    discomposure of a deepest kind

    in the night i crave to feel your breath
    and your touch like angel of death
    in the dawn i'm in chains of beastial rage
    and forced to make you dead

    the chains get tighter around my throat
    i can give you no love, only dead-lift of pain

    in the dusk of evening i tuck you up with feather
    forever i'll stand by your side
    in the twilight of night i'm laughing
    while cutting you hundred and thirteen times

    can't you see i am evil, double-edged razor
    child of eternal hate.
    to torment you like a motherfuckin-whore
    i'll make you cry forever more

    i'd crawl through broken glass to you...
    and your name is written in my very flesh
    with the knife i'm still longing to use

    in the night i crave to feel your breath
    and your touch like angel of death
    in the dawni'm in chains of bestial rage
    and forced to make you dead

    Sida:Svjetski šamion

    Nije važno kako izgledam, nego ono što mislim,
    a za tebe ću uvijek ostati isti, kružiš tobožnjim frajerima,
    nikad se neću probiti i tvoje srce pridobiti,
    a ja ću sam doživjeti stotu,
    a ti ćeš se
    prepustiti nekom idiotu.

    Svjetski šampion ili grobar,
    Za tebe ja nikad dovoljno dobar.

    Svoje osjećaje za tebe, nikad ti neću otkriti,
    jer ti nikad nećeš zbog mene, mišljenje promijeniti.
    Noćima nisam spavao, samo sam na tebe mogao misliti,
    danima nisam izlazio, tvoj život nisam mogao ni smisliti,
    A ja ću sam doživjeti stotu, a ti ćeš se prepustiti nekom idiotu.

    Svjetski šampion ili grobar,
    Za tebe ja nikad dovoljno dobar.

    Ramones:Tomorrow she goes away

    Infatuation, she's a fatal attraction
    Hang around, screw up my mind
    I hope I've seen her for the very last time

    (Dangers of drinking), but I don't want to die
    Got to leave this cycle behind
    I hope I've seen her for the very last time

    And I can't wait 'til tomorrow
    I can't wait another day
    I can't wait 'til tomorrow
    Tomorrow she goes away - ay, hay

    Over my shoulder, I keep looking back
    I feel a presence following me
    So I know I'll never be free

    And I can't wait 'til tomorrow
    I can't wait another day
    I can't wait 'til tomorrow
    Tomorrow she goes away - ay, hay

    Over my shoulder, I keep looking back
    I feel a presence following me
    So I know I'll never be free

    And I can't wait 'til tomorrow
    I can't wait another day
    I can't wait 'til tomorrow
    Tomorrow she goes away - ay, hay

    System Of A Down:Needles

    I cannot disguise,
    All the stomach pains,
    And the walking of the canes,
    When you, do come out,
    And you whisper up to me
    In your life of tragedy,

    But I cannot grow,
    Till you eat the last of me,
    Oh when will I be free,
    And you, a parasite,
    Just find another host,
    Just another fool to roast,

    Cause you,
    My tapeworm tells me what to do,
    My tapeworm tells me where to go,
    Pull the tapeworm out of your ass, Hey
    Pull the tapeworm out of your ass, Hey
    Pull the tapeworm out of your ass, Hey
    Pull the tapeworm out of your ass, Hey

    I cannot deny,
    All the evil traits,
    And the filling of the crates,
    When you, do come out,
    And you slither up to me
    In your pimpin majesty,

    But I cannot grow,
    Till you eat the last of me,
    Oh when will I be free,
    And you, a parasite,
    Just find another host,
    Just another stool to post,

    Cause you,
    My tapeworm tells me what to do,
    My tapeworm tells me where to go,
    Pull the tapeworm out of your ass, Hey
    Pull the tapeworm out of your ass, Hey
    Pull the tapeworm out of your ass, Hey
    Pull the tapeworm out of your ass, Hey
    Pull the tapeworm out of me?

    I'm just sitting in my room,
    With a needle in my hand,
    Just waiting for the tomb,
    Of some old dying man,
    Sitting in my room,
    With a needle in my hand,
    Just waiting for the tomb,
    Of some old dying man?.

    Cause you,
    My tapeworm tells me what to do,
    My tapeworm tells me where to go,
    Pull the tapeworm out of your ass, Hey
    Pull the tapeworm out of your ass, Hey
    Pull the tapeworm out of your ass, Hey
    Pull the tapeworm out of your ass, Hey


    Heartborne, 7th Seeker
    In me the Wishmaster


    A dreamy-eyed child staring into night
    On a journey to storyteller`s mind
    Whispers a wish speaks with the stars the words are silent in him
    Distant sigh from a lonely heart
    'I`ll be with you soon, my Shalafi'
    Grey Havens my destiny



    Sla-Mori the one known only by Him
    To august realms, the sorcery within
    If you hear the call of arcane lore,
    Your world shall rest on Earth no more
    A maiden elf calling with her cunning song
    'Meet me at the Inn of Last Home'
    Heartborne will find the way!


    Crusade for Your will
    A child, dreamfinder
    The Apprentice becoming...


    RATM:Killing in the name of

    Killing in the name of!
    Some of those that were forces are the same that bore crosses
    Some of those that were forces are the same that bore crosses
    Some of those that were forces are the same that bore crosses
    Some of those that were forces are the same that bore crosses

    Killing in the name of!
    Killing in the name of

    And now you do what they told ya
    But now you do what they told ya
    Well now you do what they told ya

    Those who died are justified, for wearing the badge, they're the chosen whites
    You justify those that died by wearing the badge, they're the chosen whites
    Those who died are justified, for wearing the badge, they're the chosen whites
    You justify those that died by wearing the badge, they're the chosen whites

    Some of those that were forces are the same that bore crosses
    Some of those that were forces are the same that bore crosses
    Some of those that were forces are the same that bore crosses
    Some of those that were forces are the same that bore crosses

    Killing in the name of!
    Killing in the name of

    And now you do what they told ya
    And now you do what they told ya, now you're under control
    And now you do what they told ya!

    Those who died are justified, for wearing the badge, they're the chosen whites
    You justify those that died by wearing the badge, they're the chosen whites
    Those who died are justified, for wearing the badge, they're the chosen whites
    You justify those that died by wearing the badge, they're the chosen whites
    Come on!

    Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me
    Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me!

    Bob Marley-->>Is this love

    I wanna love you and treat you right;
    I wanna love you every day and every night:
    We'll be together with a roof right over our heads;
    We'll share the shelter of my single bed;
    We'll share the same room, yeah! - for Jah provide the bread.
    Is this love - is this love - is this love -
    Is this love that I'm feelin'?
    Is this love - is this love - is this love -
    Is this love that I'm feelin'?
    I wanna know - wanna know - wanna know now!
    I got to know - got to know - got to know now!

    I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I - I'm willing and able,
    So I throw my cards on your table!
    I wanna love you - I wanna love and treat - love and treat you right;
    I wanna love you every day and every night:
    We'll be together, yeah! - with a roof right over our heads;
    We'll share the shelter, yeah, oh now! - of my single bed;
    We'll share the same room, yeah! - for Jah provide the bread.

    Is this love - is this love - is this love -
    Is this love that I'm feelin'?
    Is this love - is this love - is this love -
    Is this love that I'm feelin'?
    Wo-o-o-oah! Oh yes, I know; yes, I know - yes, I know now!
    Yes, I know; yes, I know - yes, I know now!

    I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I - I'm willing and able,
    So I throw my cards on your table!
    See: I wanna love ya, I wanna love and treat ya -
    love and treat ya right.
    I wanna love you every day and every night:
    We'll be together, with a roof right over our heads!
    We'll share the shelter of my single bed;
    We'll share the same room, yeah! Jah provide the bread.
    We'll share the shelter of my single bed -

    Los Fastidios-->>Contiamo su di voi!

    Noi contiamo su di voi
    nuove generazioni di ribelli
    Noi contiamo su di voi
    per portare avanti la rivolta


    Quanti ragazzi in questi anni
    si sono gettati via
    rovinati da falsi interessi
    assurda utopia
    Oggi invece una moltitudine
    cresce attorno a noi
    sono i giovani ribelli
    che gridano la loro rabbia

    Noi contiamo su di voi
    nuove generazioni di ribelli
    Noi contiamo su di voi
    per portare avanti la rivolta

    Noi contiamo su di voi
    nuove generazioni di ribelli
    Noi contiamo su di voi
    per portare avanti la rivolta

    verso vuoto

    Di loro fatto e detto
    ciň che hanno voluto
    per anni manovrati
    e strumentalizzati
    oggi invece la loro rabbia
    riuscirŕ a distruggere
    ciň che i vivi han costruito
    su quel che mai gli č appartenuto

    Noi contiamo su di voi
    nuove generazioni di ribelli
    Noi contiamo su di voi
    per portare avanti la rivolta

    Noi contiamo su di voi
    nuove generazioni di ribelli
    Noi contiamo su di voi
    per portare avanti la rivolta

    Quanti ragazzi in questi anni
    si sono gettati via
    rovinati da falsi interessi
    assurda utopia
    Oggi invece una moltitudine
    cresce attorno a noi
    sono i giovani ribelli
    che gridano la loro rabbia

    Noi contiamo su di voi
    nuove generazioni di ribelli
    Noi contiamo su di voi
    per portare avanti la rivolta

    Noi contiamo su di voi
    nuove generazioni di ribelli
    Noi contiamo su di voi
    per portare avanti la rivolta

    rit vuoto
    La rivolta!

    Noi contiamo su di voi
    nuove generazioni di ribelli
    Noi contiamo su di voi
    per portare avanti la rivolta

    rit vuoto
    Oi!Oi!Oi!Oi!Oi!... La rivolta!

    FNC Diverzant-->>Biba

    Opet sam u svijetu drame
    Ni trenutka ne oklijevam
    Za sve one naše dane
    Ja ti ovu pjesmu pjevam
    Slušaj sada i ne plači
    Ja sam onaj koji puši
    Znam da ništa ti ne znači
    Al još nosim te na duši

    Slušaj sada i ne plači
    Ja sam onaj koji puši
    Znam da ništa ti ne znači
    Al još nosim te na duši

    Ostala si još u meni
    Ko nedovršena priča
    Ostala si kao dio
    Ove pjesme, ovog kiča
    Sada savršeno sjetan
    Predajem se hladnoj noći
    Znam da tebe više nema
    I da nećes doći

    I dok gledam nebo
    Tražim vrijeme da se vrati
    Pitam sebe dal će ikad
    Ova pjesma stvarno stati
    Čekam da se sunce vrati
    Spoji dvije sjene
    Da osjetim kako Biba
    Stoji tu kraj mene

....::YA MAAAN!::.... ;))

  • Ja:Tamnosmeđa kosa,tamnosmeđe okice,175cm(navodno),60kg,rođena 21.09.1988.u Rijeci...
    -->>zabavna osoba(nadam se),bauljatorica,pomalo buntovna(ovisi u kom pogledu),pričljiva osoba,lijena(za neke stvari),uvijek za zajebanciju i za sranja,znam biti ponekad i agresivna,radoznala sam,ambiciozna,noćna ptica,energična,tvrdoglava,a i najveći hobi mi je trčati gola po kući kad nema nikoga doma i plesati,ponekad sklona depresijama i hipohondriji,,vrckava,volim saslušati ljude i ako sam u mogućnosti pomoći im,volim oraspoložiti ljude,biti uz njih kada im treba.....(O onim mojim podosta gorim stranama neću pričati... ;))

    ...::Maj fejvrits::...

    tomorrow she goes away(Ramones),Basket case(Green day),Rotten future,Drink drank punk(Anti-flag),Jebo te bog(Pasi),One(Metallica),A la mierda(Ska-p),Linoleum,Bob(NOFX),Komadići sna(ASA),Celeberty skin(Hole),Chop suey!(SOAD)....Blaaaa....

    LOTR,Gladiator,Sid and Nancy,Krug,The Doors,Pirati s Kariba,Čokolada...

    LOTR(...again...),Mi djeca s kolodvora ZOO,Hors,Jack frusciante je izašao iz grupe,Silmarillon,Hobit,1001 noć....Blaaaa...

    I wanna be sedated(Ramones);Tomorrow belongs to us(Casualties);Killing in the name,Bombtrack(RATM),Wake me up...,Basket case,When I come around,Walking contradiction(Green Day);Scar tissue(RHCP);Spiders,Chop suey(SOAD);From here to eternity(Iron Maiden);Nemo(Nightwish);Funeral of hearts(HIM);Sonne(Rammstein);Somewhere around nothing,Path,Bitersweet(Apocalyptica);I don't know what to do with myself(White stripes)....Blaaaaaaa...........
    ...nadopišem još kad se sjetim...

    ..::Malo gluposti od mene i mojih frendova(nadopisat ću ih još kad ih skupim)::..

    -->>Prof.Roži:Dorijane,o čemu mi danas pričamo na satu?O glupostima ko i inače?
    -->>Ja:Daj Vex,di si stavila te taberije(baterije)?
    -->>Tanja:Kaja,ćeš kondom?
    Tanja:Ivana ćeš ti?
    Ivana:Ne,pokvario bi se do 45 kad se meni posreći!
    -->>Ja(Pjevam originalni prijevod pjesme ''Smoke on the water''):Dim na vaaatri...
    -->>Moa:Ima ko dvije kune po pet!
    -->>Anchy:Pizd nema bogu!(Bog nema pizdu...)
    -->>Lana:Ali on ne radi mote dok vozi glavu!
    -->>Prof.iz latinskog:Romul je vidio 12 ptica u zraku,Rem samo 6.Zašto?
    Moa:Jer je Rem imao samo jedno oko!
    -->>Vex:Daj molim te,ako nema 2 deca naruči mi pago od kole!
    -->>Ja:Čujem si trbuhe u zvukovima!
    -->>Prof. iz geo:Zašto sloj zovemo osnovnom jedinicom?
    Filip:Možda zato jer je osnovna?
    -->>Ja:Ma najbolje kad narasten velika da buden pecar i plovin po moru,e!(pecar-ribar)
    -->>Prof. iz mat:Zašto to nesmijete raditi?Zato jer je to kardinalna greška!
    Netko:Ah ti kardinali,što sve neće izmisliti!
    -->>Sara:Ma šta nije lane mlado od ovce?
    -->>Ja:Wuaaa!Gle ga poslovni biznismen!
    -->>Ja:Vidila sam ga,da!On je danas bio na tati s pijačom...
    -->>Keđo:Daj više,fuck the shut up!
    -->>Belac:Ma da,da...Ali bolja je ona bira iz konzerve...
    -->>Keđo:Ja sam haker
    Netko;Ma ne seri,ti si nešto drugo na h!
    -->>Blitva:Profesore,more još samo nešto?
    Prof. iz engleskog:Daj Zorane šuti!Dosta mi te više!Imaš fore ko govno vitamina!
    -->>Ja:Se napukneš ti kad se napišaš(se napuhneš ti kad ti se piša)?
    -->>Ja:E,tata!Ja ću sutra na koncert.
    Stari:A da?A ko svira?
    Ja:Grupa tvog života!
    Stari:A?Ma daj?Ko?Maideni?
    -->>Lana:Išla sam pitat u T-Com koliko koštaju najjeftiniji bežični mobiteli...Ups!Telefoni,da!
    -->>Perić:Pazi!Dobit ćeš po šupku sa čmarom!(nešto tipo to,ne sjećam se,bila sam pijana;)
    -->>Ja:Meni moja mama neda da pjevam pank...Slušam pank...Šta radimo s pankom?
    -->>Sanja:Ma boli vam je bambus s pašaretom nego s colom!
    Moa:Ali ča ću kad ja ne pijemn gazirano?!
    -->>Moa:Kad ja buden na vlasti...Č,ć će bit sa crticon popreko.
    -->>Angela:Uletila je mojoj mami mačka i gleda,koji kurac je to(a mi to shvatimo malo perverzno).
    -->>Moa:Pljučen kao Leonardo di Caprio!
    -->>Angela:...i kad je moja stara bila trudna s mojom sestrom...
    Moa:Ča?Stara ti je zatrudnila sa sestron?
    -->>Angela:Šta ti pričaš?Dagostin...Pa tvoje prezime nema T!
    -->>Angela:Ti neznaš kako je rigat pred mamom od tvog dečka,frendovog dečka,mamom od frenda od dečka...
    -->>Moa:Vidiš ti Angela i Anđela!Vi imate isto ime,samo ta prokleta crtica dela razliku!!!
    -->>Moa:Sad ću pogledat koje boje mi je prsten kad san finjena...PLAVI,kad san finjena mi je plavi!
    -->>Angela:Zvao me opet sinov šef...
    -->>...gledaju spot Gwen Stefani...
    Hrle:I...Ča govoriš?Je dobra?Biš ju mrknu?
    Peroš:Bin ju mrknu,bin...S nogon u šupak da zleti 100m napred!Prodana kurva...

    Green Day-->>Basket Case

    Do you have the time
    To listen to me whine
    About nothing and everything
    All at once
    I am one of those
    Melodramatic fools
    Neurotic to the bone
    No doubt about it

    Sometimes I give myself the creeps
    Sometimes my mind plays tricks on me
    It all keeps adding up
    I think I'm crackin up
    Am I just paranoid?
    Am I just stoned

    I went to a shrink
    To analyze my dreams
    She says it's lack of sex that's bringing me down
    I went to a whore
    She said my life's a bore
    So quit my whining cause it's bringing her down


    Grasping to control
    So I better hold on


    Sida-->>Pazinski punkeri

    Ćurka, Leo, Piksi, Stevo, mali Ilić i Anđelo,
    punkeri su pravi to, mi im ne zamjeramo.
    Željeli bi biti mi,
    isti takvi punkeri.

    Jer pazinski punkeri, pazinski punkeri, pazinski punkeri,
    najjači su punkeri.

    Ponosni smo sada mi, jer smo i mi postali,
    isti takvi punkeri,
    željeli bi sad i mi, da budete punkeri,
    Isti takvi kao mi.

    Jer pazinski punkeri, pazinski punkeri, pazinski punkeri,
    najjači su punkeri.

    Sorry mama niš me ne pitaj, moram sada
    Brzo na buraj, čuo sam da tuku frenda mog.
    Pomoć ću mu on mi je ko Bog, rekli su da
    to su skinheadsi, rasturit ćemo im pičku mi.

    Jer pazinski punkeri, pazinski punkeri, pazinski punkeri,
    najjači su punkeri.

    Anti-flag--->>"Rotten Future"

    All you punkers with your
    No Future dreams
    Follow Johnny Rotten
    and all our preset beliefs
    Following society
    be what they want you to be
    Drunk and Quiet
    "there's no future for me."
    IMPATIENCE with society
    BE WHAT they want you to be
    IMPATIENCE "there's no future here"
    "I'm not lazy I just don't care"
    Of course there is no future
    when you make sure there is none
    Impatience "time is wasting,
    there is No Future to be won"
    If you truly don't care,
    then why talk No Future
    Excuses hang like nooses
    "I've given up I just don't care"
    IMPATIENCE with society
    BE WHAT they want you to be
    IMPATIENCE "there's no future here"
    "I'm not lazy I just don't care"
    Of course you'll bring no change
    when you sit home on your couch
    We need to stand up and fight
    bring our future to a start
    We can change anything just as
    long as we take the time
    Generations, generations, generations...
    they're not the same
    IMPATIENCE with society
    BE WHAT they want you to be
    IMPATIENCE "there's no future here"
    "I'm not lazy I just don't care"

    Hole-->>Celeberty skin

    Oh, make me over
    I'm all I want to be
    A walking study
    In demonology

    Hey...so glad you could make it
    Yeah...now you really made it
    Hey...so glad you could make it now

    Oh, look at my face
    My name is might have been
    My name is never was
    My name's forgotten

    Hey...so glad you could make it
    Yeah...now you really made it
    Hey...there's only us left now

    When I wake up in my makeup
    It's too early for that dress
    Wilted and faded somewhere in Hollywood
    I'm glad I came here with your pound of flesh
    No second billing 'cause you're a star now
    Oh Cinderella, they aren't sluts like you
    Beautiful garbage, beautiful dresses
    Can you stand up or will you just fall down?

    You better watch out
    For what you wish for
    It better be worth it
    So much to die for

    Hey...so glad you could make it
    Yeah...now you really made it
    Hey...there's only us left now

    When I wake up in my makeup
    Have you ever felt so used up as this?
    It's all so sugarless
    Oh, just go nameless
    Honeysuckle, she's full of poison
    She obliterated everything she kissed
    Now she's fading somewhere in Hollywood
    I'm glad I came here with your pound of flesh

    You want a part of me
    Well, I'm not selling cheap
    No, I'm not selling cheap

    ABN-->>Pazin grade

    Mojim se gradom dosada širi,
    iz tame ponekad netko proviri.
    Alkohol u ovom mjestu vlada,
    Marešti opet po zabranjenoj pada.

    Ljudi zgoreni svi su od reda,
    alkohol, droga, nemaš beda.
    Samo uzmi, sve će ti dati,
    ako želiš samo navrati.

    Poput magneta ljude privlači,
    alkohol je od nas ovdje jači.
    Ne dopušta nam da živimo,
    zbog njega se ubijamo.

    Pazin grade, sivi smrade,
    odnosiš mi sreću gade.
    Donosiš mi samo jade,
    ubijaš me od dosade, ubijaš me od dosade.

    SIDA-->>Himna punka

    Uvije ćeju, probleme stvarat, i uvijek ćeju po zidovima šarat,
    uvijek će s pandurima imati posla, ali njima nikad neće biti dosta.
    Uvijek će se palit na nofx i exploited, i uvijek će
    pjevati punk's not dead, gdje god se pojave s rokezom
    I kožnjakom upadaju u oko svako.

    Punk nije mrtav, punkeri još uvijek dišu,
    Punk nije mrtav, dok mu ne napišu,
    Punk nije mrtav, osmrtnicu,
    Punk nije mrtav, now.
    U znaku velikog slova A, pred njima sve se
    Ravna i razbija, a vi nikad nećete živjeti srećno,
    Zato jer će punk živjeti vječno.

    Punk nije mrtav, punkeri još uvijek dišu,
    Punk nije mrtav, dok mu ne napišu,
    Punk nije mrtav, osmrtnicu,
    Punk nije mrtav, now.

    Scorpions-->>Send me an angel

    The wise man said just walk this way
    To the dawn of the light
    The wind will blow into your face
    As the years pass you by
    Hear this voice from deep inside
    It's the call of your heart
    Close your eyes and your will find
    The passage out of the dark

    Here I am
    Will you send me an angel
    Here I am
    In the land of the morning star

    The wise man said just find your place
    In the eye of the storm
    Seek the roses along the way
    Just beware of the thorns

    Here I am
    Will you send me an angel
    Here I am
    In the land of the morning star

    The wise man said just raise your hand
    And reach out for the spell
    Find the door to the promised land
    Just believe in yourself
    Hear this voice from deep inside
    It's the call of your heart
    Close your eyes and your will find
    The passage out of the dark

    Here I am
    Will you send me an angel
    Here I am
    In the land of the morning star
    Here I am
    Will you send me an angel
    Here I am
    In the land of the morning star

    Alanis Morisette-->>Ironic

    An old man turned 98
    He won the lottery and died the next day
    It's a black fly in your chardonnay
    It's a death row pardon, two-minutes too late

    And isn't it ironic? Don't you think?
    It's like rain on your wedding day
    It's a free ride and you've already paid
    It's the good advice that you just didn't take
    And who would've thought it figures

    A traffic jam when you're already late
    A no smoking sign on your cigarette break
    It's like ten thousand spoons when all you need is a knife
    It's meeting the man of my dreams and then meeting his beautiful wife

    And isn't it ironic? Don't you think?
    A little too ironic
    Yeah, I really do think
    It's like rain on your wedding day
    It's a free ride and you've already paid
    It's the good advice that you just didn't taske
    And who would've thought it figures

    And yeah, life has a funny way of sneaking up on you
    And yeah, life has a funny, funny way...of helping you out
    Helping you out

    Cranberries-->>Just my imagination

    There was a game we used to play
    We would hit the town on Friday night
    And stay in bed until Sunday
    We used to be so free
    We were living for the love we had and
    Living not for reality

    It was just my imagination

    There was a time I used to pray
    I have always kept my faith in love
    It's the greatest thing from the man above
    The game I used to play
    I've always put my cards upon the table
    Let it never be said that I'd be unstable

    It was just my imagination

    There is a game I like to play
    I like to hit the town on Friday night
    And stay in bed until Sunday
    We'll always be this free
    We will be living for the love we have
    Living not for reality

    It's not my imagination
    Not my

    Guano Apes-->>Lord of the boards

    I can fly so high, I can fall so deep
    But who do I see comin' up the track
    A little green man with the snowboard on his back

    He said: And now I'm flying like an angel to the sun
    My feet are burning and I grab into another world

    With the lord of the boards you'll come and get around
    With the lord of the boards, go mad like a clown

    I can stay behind him if I can
    I wanna be a little more than an "also-ran"
    Through every curve He's got me beat
    And maybe it's time that I accept defeat

    And now I'm flying like an angel to the sun
    My feet are burning and I grab into another world

    With the lord of the boards you'll come and get around
    With the lord of the boards, go mad like a clown (4x)


    Now we're walking down an alley
    No I'm talking spiritually
    We got one eye on the future
    And the other on our money
    And all our feeling goes dead
    When we switch on that channel
    So over fed with the terrible flannel
    Try to switch off my head
    Use my soul instead
    So I'll get ahead of these things
    I said

    There's a soul
    A soulstorm everywhere
    It's a everywhere
    A soulstorm everywhere

    I was taught that talk is cheap
    And I have learned that love is deep
    God gave me my soul to keep
    So I talk love a whole big heap
    And I will not point a finger
    For it is timeless and will linger
    I keep my own words down so I won't drown
    Repeat one more time and don't hinder

    There's a soul
    A soulstorm everywhere
    It's a everywhere
    A soulstorm everywhere

    Some people might be wondering
    Is his head in the clouds and no ground under him
    What the so and so's he on about
    So I'll just break it down down (no doubt)
    I got up out of bed one misty morning
    Found myself sitting there and brainstorming
    About how to be true without being corny
    Do some soulsstorming
    Must be the benefit of the global warming
    I realised that there ain't no harm in
    Planting soul and a little farming
    Do some soul farmďng

    There's a soul
    A soulstorm everywhere
    It's a everywhere
    A soulstorm everywhere


    Why are you so ungrateful
    You nuh see that Jah give we life after all
    Check yourself before you wreck yourself
    Me see that Jah Jah give we life after all
    Still none a dem nuh give no thanks at all
    Dem think dem a rise me see dem a fall
    fall dem a fall - fall dem a fall

    How long you want to go run away
    Run away from yourself you nuh see that truth ago reveal
    and every day you got to pray - well that you fi go do
    and make your life one a the real

    How you fi expect love and you still a glorifie the gun
    How you want clarity if acoke you nuh stop bun
    Your dirty lifestyle nuh give you no way to turn
    you still nuh realize that you wrong
    After you come out of your church you beat your babymother down
    and then you tell her you´re sorry but your head did full a rum
    she couldn´t tek your excuse and your flattering tongue
    that´s why she left you today and still a ask

    How long you want to go run away
    Run away from yourself you nuh see that truth ago reveal
    and every day you got to pray - well that you fi go do
    and make your life one a the real

    Dem say dem a the dolphin but me see dem a the shark
    dem stand ina the spotlight and live in the dark
    claim say dem grounded but me see dem a skylark
    so to me dem can´t talk
    In this time and this ages man hafi be smart
    think before you talk and watch the road wha´ you a walk
    from you look ina your conscience you can´t miss the mark
    And make a joyful sound unto the Lord

    How long you want to go run away
    Run away from yourself you nuh see that truth ago reveal
    and every day you got to pray - well that you fi go do
    and make your life one a the real

    Nuff a dem me see dem can teach
    Dem hufi go back a school so a no me dem can teach
    A fi dem dirty talk dem call it freedom of speech
    Me wonder who dem try reach
    Righteousness uno fi go check it
    Golong and do some good ina Your life wickedness uno fileft it
    cleanheart always will make it
    and from you see a chance ina your life
    you better take it nuh reject it


    Possesions never meant anything to me
    I'm not crazy (Cause I got none)
    Well that's not true, I've got a bed and a guitar
    And a dog named dog who pisses on my floor
    That's right, I've got a floor
    So what, so what, so what?
    I've got pockets full of kleenex and lint and holes
    Where everything imporatnt to me just seems to fall right down my leg
    and on the floor
    My closest friend linoleum
    Supports my head, gives me something to believe
    That's me on the beachside combing the sand
    Metal meter in my hand
    Sporting a pocket full of change
    That's me on the street with a violin under my chin
    Playing with a grin, singing gibberish
    That's me on the back of the bus
    That's me in the cell
    That's me inside your head
    That's me inside your head

    KORN-->>Alone I break

    Pick me up
    Been bleeding too long
    Right here, right now
    I'll stop it somehow

    I will make it go away
    Can't be here no more
    Seems this is the only way
    I will soon be gone
    These feelings will be gone
    These feelings will be gone

    Now I see the times they change
    Leaving us, it seems so strange
    I am hoping I can find
    Where to leave my hurt behind
    All the shit I seem to take
    All alone I seem to break
    I have lived the best I can
    Does this make me not a man?

    Shut me off
    I'm ready
    Heart stops
    I stand alone
    Can't be my own

    I will make it go away
    Can't be here no more
    Seems this is the only way
    I will soon be gone
    These feelings will be gone
    These feelings will be gone

    Now I see the times they change
    Leaving us, it seems so strange
    I am hoping I can find
    Where to leave my hurt behind
    All the shit I seem to take
    All alone I seem to break
    I have lived the best I can
    Does this make me not a man?

    Am I going to leave this place?
    What is it I'm running from?
    Is there nothing more to come?
    (Am I gonna leave this place?)
    Is it always black in space?
    Am I going take its place?
    Am I going to win this race?
    (Am I going to leave this race?)
    I guess God's up in this place?
    What is it that I've become?
    Is there something more to come?
    (More to come)

    Now I see the times they change
    Leaving us, it seems so strange
    I am hoping I can find
    Where to leave my hurt behind
    All the shit I seem to take
    All alone I seem to break
    I have lived the best I can
    Does this make me not a man?

    OOMPH!-->>Sex hat keine macht

    Tief in Deiner Vene
    Unter Deiner Haut
    Hab ich durch die Gene
    In das Nichts geschaut

    Du hast mein Herz in der Hand, es brennt
    Ich weiss ich kann mich befrein
    Du hast mein Herz in der Hand, es brennt
    Hörst Du mich tief in Dir schrein

    Sex hat keine Macht!
    Sex hat keine Macht!
    Du blutest nicht genug für mich
    Küss mich noch ein letztes Mal

    Tief in Deiner Kehle
    Irgendwo im Schlund
    Geh ich Deiner Seele
    Langsam auf den Grund

    Du hast mein Herz inder Hand, es brennt
    Ich weiss ich kann mich befrein
    Du hast mein Herz in der Hand, es brennt
    Hörst Du mich tief in dir schrein

    Sex hat keine Macht!
    Sex hat keine Macht!
    Du blutest nicht genug für mich
    Küss mich noch ein letztes Mal

    Sex hat keine Macht!
    Sex hat keine Macht!
    Du blutest nicht genug für mich
    Küss mich noch ein letztes Mal

    Sex hat keine Macht!
    Sex hat keine Macht!
    Du leidest nicht genug für mich
    Täusch mich noch ein letztes Mal


    She seems dressed in all the rings
    Of past fatalaties
    So fragile yet so devious
    She continues to see it
    Climatic hands that press
    Her temples and my chest
    Enter the night that she came home

    Oh (She's the only one that makes me sad)

    She is everytihng and more
    The solemn hypnotic
    My Dahlia, you're bathed in posession
    She is home to me

    I get neverous, perversed when I see her to worse
    But the stress is astounding
    It's now or never she's coming home

    Oh (She's the only one that makes me sad)

    Hard to say what caught my attention
    Vixen crazy, Aphid Attraction
    Carve my name in my face, to recognize
    Such a pheromone cult to terrorize

    I won't let this build up inside of me
    I won't let this build up inside of me
    I won't let this build up inside of me
    I won't let this build up inside of me


    I'm a slave, and I am a master
    No restraints and, unchecked collectors
    I exist throught my name, to self ablige
    She is something in me, the darkness finds

    I won't let this build up inside of me
    I won't let this build up inside of me
    I won't let this build up inside of me
    I won't let this build up inside of me

    I won't let this build up inside of me
    I won't let this build up inside of me
    I won't let this build up inside of me
    I won't let this build up inside of me


    (She isn't real, I can't make her real)
    (She isn't real, I can't make her real)

    Iron Maiden:Mother Russia

    Mother Russia how are you sleeping
    Middle winter cold winds blow
    From the trees the snowflakes drifting
    Swirling round like ghosts in the snow

    Mother Russia poetry majestic
    Tells the time of a great empire
    Turning round the old man ponders
    Reminiscing an age gone by

    Mother Russia
    Dance of the tsars
    Hold up your heads
    Be proud of what you are
    Now it has come
    Freedom at last
    Turning the tides of history
    And your past

    Mother Russia
    Dance of the tsars
    Hold up your heads
    Remember who you are
    Can you release
    The anger the grief
    Can you be happy
    Now your people are free

    Pasi-->>Najveći gubitnik ove hemisfere

    Uvijek je od kleptomanije patio,
    što jednom uzeo, nikada vratio.
    Virtuoz prekopavanja ormara i ladica,
    noćna mora frižiderskih polica.

    Često optuživan, "nikad kriv",
    sa svima dobar al' samoživ.
    Zasluženo, prepun patetičnih fraza,
    unesen u crnu knjigu Djeda Mraza.

    Govori da je, a tu nema šale,
    njegova misija gazit budale,
    čudim se da još nije opazio
    samo je jednu uistinu zgazio.

    Cijeli će život, mijesto "princ tame"
    biti samo mlatitelj prazne slame,
    antijunak, novopečeni paštar,
    sviju hulja veliki meštar

    Nepresušan izvor krivih informacija
    punih paušala i improvizacija,
    stalno ga pucaju nastrane vizije,
    tpični primjerak hipokrizije.

    Za samim sobom, umoran od traganja,
    duševno isprazan od silnog laganja,
    urednik vlastitog lovačkog tjednika
    potencijalni predsjednik bijednika.


    Šta ja tu mogu, opet sam na dnu
    srušio se opet ceo svet
    ali bar jednom našao sam sebe
    još jedan propao je let.

    Nedam ti svoju, svoju samoću
    nedam , jer ona mi je sbe!
    Nedam ti svoju, svoju samoću
    ako treba umret ću zbog nje!

    Ne želim sada, da znam šta me čeka
    ne verujem nikome, al' znaj
    "Dok god je suza bit će i čoveka
    dok traje ova muzika !"

    Nedam ti svoju, svoju.....

    Eto vam nešto da se zabavite ako vam je jaaaako dosadno u životu!kao meni...Ali vjeeerujte!Ako vam je jako dosadno...

    Take the quiz: "Which member of Green Day are you?"

    Billie Joe
    Your awesome...Oh joj!Koji rez je doša...Ja sam awesome!Jeeey!Ali sam i sexy... ;)

    Take the quiz: "Whats your theme song? ((detailed descriptions and reasons, pics))"

    Burnout - Green Day
    dude. the peace pipe is calling. great song to get high to. you're not growing up - you're burning out. it's okay...we still love you...stoners are actually awesome people to hang out with!you're welcome for the self-esteem burst...but.... ::sniffs:: take a shower,please...for the sake of us all.... a ovo je pak bilo zabavno!SMRDIM! ;) mrnjwuahaha!

    Take the quiz: "What Green Day member should you date?"

    Billie Joe Armstrong
    You should definitely date Billie, the HOTTEST guy in Green Day.You're crazy,have a big mouth,and not afraid to take major risks and that's why you're perfect for him... ;)

    bokte...danas imam sreće! ;) he,he...

    Green Day-->>Blood,Sex and Booze

    Waiting in a room
    All dressed up and bound and gagged
    To a chair
    It's so unfair
    I won't dare move, for the pain
    She puts me through is what I need
    So make it bleed

    I'm in distress, oh mistress
    I confess so do it one more time
    These handcuffs are too tight
    You know I will obey, so please
    Don't make me beg
    For blood, sex and booze you give me

    Some say I'm disturbed
    But it's what I deserve, another lesson
    To be learned...from a girl called kill
    My head is in the gutter
    Thank you sir, strike up another mandolin
    Of discipline
    Throw me to the dogs
    Let them eat my flesh down
    To the wood
    It feels so good

    Transplants-->>Apocalypse Now

    I'm gonna be straight with you
    this is the end of the world
    You either wake up or you don't
    Apocalypse Now

    Apocalypse Now! Apocalypse Now! Apocalypse Now!
    Apocalypse Now! Apocalypse Now! Apocalypse Now!

    Air Force Bomber, come with the quickness
    Chemical Warfare, a bucket of Sickness
    Annihilation, written thesis
    Bomb and Leashes, Shrapnel pieces
    Political Dynasty, vigorous lies
    Multi-dead, on the rise
    Realize - the Demise
    It's all over, No surprise

    Chilling with pipe bombs, fatherless sons
    Ain't no saving private Ryan but I've taken his guns
    cause there's a war outside and it's far from being done
    I only speak for myself I know I'm not the only one
    fuckers got us with the planes set us back on 911
    families endure the pain got a twisted view of heaven
    Need a rabbi or a Reverand I just follow the ghost
    I keep an extra 4 pounds right up under my coat

    Cruise missiles are soaring
    Helicopters are whirling
    crusty cops are firing
    Bomb shelters are siren
    Soldiers are crawling
    Politicians stalling
    Insurgens prawling
    Casualties are rising

    Life is a nightmare, I'm dreaming of death
    Nothing else is promised, no, I won't hold my breath
    Still talking to death, still choking the rest
    Don't know when no one can be trusted only once for the left
    Stepping out I'm in the dark. You wanna keep me in the cold
    Ripping out ain't that your heart I'm-a causing to explode
    Cause you're screwin' money, law, mother fucker '95
    You don't know me keep on moving, I'm just trying to stay alive

    Chris Isaak-->>Wicked game

    The world was on fire and no one could save me but you.
    It's strange what desire will make foolish people do.
    I never dreamed that I'd meet somebody like you.
    And I never dreamed that I knew somebody like you.

    No, I don't want to fall in love...This world is only gonna break your heart
    No, I don't want to fall in love...This world is only gonna break your heart
    With you.With you...This world is only gonna break your heart

    What a wicked game to play,to make me feel this way.
    What a wicked thing to do,to let me dream of you.
    What a wicked thing to say,you never felt this way.
    What a wicked thing to do,to make me dream of you and,

    I want to fall in love...This world is only gonna break your heart
    No, I want to fall in love...This world is only gonna break your heart
    With you.

    The world was on fire and no one could save me but you.
    It's strange what desire will make foolish people do.
    I never dreamed that I'd love somebody like you.
    And I never dreamed that I'd lose somebody like you no,

    No,I want to fall in love...This world is only gonna break your heart
    No,I want to fall in love...This world is only gonna break your heart
    With you...This world is only gonna break your heart
    With you...This world is only gonna break your heart
    No,I...This world is only gonna break your heart
    This world is only gonna break your heart

    Nobody loves no one.

    The kinks-->>You really got me

    Girl,you really got me goin'
    You got me so I don't know what I'm doin'
    Yeah,you really got me now
    You got me so I can't sleep at night

    Yeah,you really got me now
    You got me so I don't know what I'm doin',now
    Oh yeah,you really got me now
    You got me so I can't sleep at night

    You Really Got Me
    You Really Got Me
    You Really Got Me

    See,don't ever set me free
    I always wanna be by your side
    Girl, you really got me now
    You got me so I can't sleep at night

    Yeah,you really got me now
    You got me so I don't know what I'm doin',now
    Oh yeah,you really got me now
    You got me so I can't sleep at night

    You Really Got Me
    You Really Got Me
    You Really Got Me
    Oh no...

    See,don't ever set me free
    I always wanna be by your side
    Girl, you really got me now
    You got me so I can't sleep at night

    Yeah,you really got me now
    You got me so I don't know what I'm doin',now
    Oh yeah,you really got me now
    You got me so I can't sleep at night

    You Really Got Me
    You Really Got Me
    You Really Got Me